Lana was also featured in Harper’s BAZAAR for July 2022 with another interview for her new Netflix show Boo, Bitch:
After To All the Boys, you found yourself in a very lucky position in the industry where you had a little more agency and choice over the roles that you wanted to play. How do you choose projects at this stage of your career?
Early on in my career, I was just like, “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,” to anything that came my way. Now, it’s much more about strategy and longevity, which is something that I think about a lot and is hard to attain, to be completely honest, especially in the social media world, where everything is kind of fast content, fast streaming now. I’ve learned the power of [saying] no.
Boo, Bitch is definitely an homage—like a farewell kiss—to high school, mainly just because I’m so much older. I actually recently got to play a lawyer my age in this movie that I did with Will Forte and John Cena [called Wile E. Coyote], and it was really, really rewarding to be able to play someone my age. It felt right, it felt natural, it felt like that’s what it was supposed to be. But a lot of the projects that we’re looking at are projects that may be something that I haven’t done before. I’m picking projects that will give me new tools for my acting tool belt—the joy in my job is to learn and try new things, and see what works and what doesn’t. Right now, we’re being pretty specific about wanting to attach myself to projects that will help people see me in a new light.
Source: Harpers BAZAAR
- Photoshoots & Portraits > 2022 > Elle Singapore (2022)

Lana was featured in Elle Singapore with an interview all about her new show Boo, Bitch:
What has it been like getting to explore the genre of comedy?
Oh, it’s awesome and ridiculously challenging. It is so hard to make people laugh. Honestly. Comedy is such a formula. It’s hard to explain, but it’s like there are beats to be hit. Oftentimes, you kind of can create these really comedic beats simply with your physical presence. I think To All The Boys was considered a rom-com, but it’s not like slapstick funny. But this show is very much a comedy. And because it was a fairly new genre for me, it was challenging — but it was a welcomed challenge because it was also very, very rewarding. Once you got the take that made everyone laugh, you feel very, very good.
Source: ELLE Singapore
- Photoshoots & Portraits > 2022 > Elle Singapore (2022)

I’ve added 4300+ screencaptures from Lana’s new Netflix show Boo, Bitch to the gallery! Enjoy!
- Television Series > Boo, Bitch (2022) > Season 1 > Screencaptures
Check out this new interview for Lana’s upcoming show Boo, Bitch. In it, she discusses playing her character Erika:
Lana Condor: You know, it was really such a roller coaster and often times a whiplash of a journey for me. Erika’s journey is really on polar extremes, so you start seeing just a really sweet, loving, kind of friendless, but she has Gia. But very very sweet, and you watch her entire arc into basically being kind of the worst human. That, for me, was interesting because tracking emotionally how I could subtly make that change, I didn’t want it to feel like it was out of nowhere, but then again we have this much time to make it work. But I think tracking that subtle change into full “bitch mode” was interesting.
Once I lived in that “bitch mode” space, that was where my whiplash came because I’ve never done anything like that before. I’ve never played a character that horrible to people, especially to friends, so, that was interesting for me. It was like kind of flexing a new acting muscle that I hadn’t done before. It also made me sad because I would go home and be like, “I was such a mean person!” But it was fun. I enjoyed the challenge of copping a range in a show, for sure.
Source: Screenrant

I’ve added 40+ photos of Lana at a special LA screening of her upcoming Netflix series Boo, Bitch on June 22, 2022 to the gallery!
- Public Appearances > 2022 > Jun 22 | Netflix’s Boo, Bitch LA Special Screening