Lana has been featured in Vogue Singapore! This is her very first shoot for Vogue and it came out so beautifully. There is also an article, where she talks about saying goodbye to the To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before series.
At just 23 years old, the Asian-American actress has achieved the kind of fame that would take most people a lifetime to attain. Since taking on the role of Lara Jean Covey in 2018, Condor has exploded in popularity. It’s hard to pinpoint, but there’s something about her earnestness and sincerity on screen that draws audiences closer to her.
But this February marks a turning point in the young actress’s life as the franchise finally comes to a close. “I have a lot of mixed feelings,” Condor says. “It was such an emotional experience because To All the Boys has been such a huge part of my life. It’s been so formative for me as a young adult.”
We’re chatting on Zoom almost one year after my set visit to Seoul, but the feelings and memories of wrapping the film are still vivid for the actress. “There’s a lot of me that I put into the character and it has defined so much of who I am as a young adult,” she muses. “And so saying goodbye to that chapter in my life feels monumental, like something that I’m not quite ready to do.”
Source: Vogue Singapore | read more

Lana is featured on the cover of Elle Canada for April 2019! I’ve added some scans from the issue to the gallery.

Another magazine cover! This time, Lana’s featured on the cover of Cosmo’s March 2019 issue. I’ve added some photos to the gallery. You can pick up Cosmo’s March 2019 issue on newsstands February 12th!
Three and a half years ago, Lana Condor was 18 years old and had no idea how to be famous. She’d never been to a splashy industry party, worn designer clothes, or signed an autograph. Every time a flashbulb went off, she flinched.
Read more at Cosmopolitan.com!
At this point, she’d just finished shooting her first role (a small part in a big X-Men movie), but it hadn’t come out yet, and she wasn’t sure if acting could be a real career. She’d finished high school and thought she kinda might want to be a journalist like her dad. But at the end of the summer in 2015, her publicist snagged her an invite to a party for Emmy nominees in Beverly Hills, Lana’s first big event. She wore a bright orange minidress, a high pony, and a sparkly clutch. She looked like an impossibly chic tangerine.
“Oh my god, I’m so cool,” she thought as she posed for photographers.
And then, just like in our dreams (and at least 80 percent of Sex and the City episodes), Lana had That Moment. She locked eyes with a tall, shaggy-haired guy at the bar. Later, she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around. It was him.
“Hi, I’m Anthony,” he said with an outstretched hand and noticeably sweet eyes. “I thought I would make a friend.”

Lana is featured on the cover of Southwest: The Magazine for February 2019! I’ve added some scans from the feature to the gallery, and you can read a little of the interview below.
After premiering on Netflix last August, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before became an instant hit and finished 2018 as the streaming platform’s second-most rewatched original title. Lana Condor plays Lara Jean Covey, an introverted high-schooler whose love letters are accidentally mailed out to her former and current crushes. Here, she dishes on the film’s success, her new role as a teenage assassin, and why rom-coms can be good for us all.
Read more at Southwest: The Magazine
What has playing Lara Jean meant to you?
It’s meant everything to me. I’m the biggest fan of her story and the book franchise [by Jenny Han]. Playing Lara Jean has taught me to be a better person, to be more pure and innocent. She’s so quirky, but she’s never apologetic for her differences, and that has made a huge change in my life. I’m a total weirdo, and because of Lara Jean, I realized that’s OK. When people come up to me and say how much she meant to them, I’m not surprised because she means the same exact thing to me.
Lana was featured in an article for the NY Times, where she learns how to make sushi. I’ve added some photos to the gallery.
Inside a bitsy fish store in Brooklyn, Lana Condor switched the blowtorch on. “Power!” she said brightly on a cold Friday morning, as a blade of butane flame shot from the canister. “Oh yeah.”
Read more at NYTimes.com
Ms. Condor, 21, who wields a sword as a teenage assassin in the new Syfy action series “Deadly Class,” is an enthusiastic home cook. During a break from promotional rounds, she had signed up for a sushi class at Osakana, a tiny temple devoted to locally sourced fish in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn.
She had no idea that it would include weapons training. She clearly didn’t mind. “Holy cow!” she said as the skin on slices of golden tilefish began to sear and crackle.